Belly Dance Workshops & Hafla

Workshops with Athena from Columbus
Electro Cult Belly Dance in The Land Showcase!

Sat. Sept. 14, 2024

We are pleased to welcome Athena from Columbus, along with the Electro Cult Circus band for a fun filled, hip shaking weekend.

Here's the quick itinerary for that day.

11am – 1:00pm (at CED)
Mindfulness in Movement: A Belly Dance Improvisation Workshop taught by Athena
1:30pm – 3:30pm (at CED)
Shimmy Sprinkles with Athena. Taught with a live musician!
4:00pm – 5:00pm (at CED)
Go Go Goblets with Athena. Bonus 1 hour goblet balancing class for ALL DAY Attendees.
7:00pm – 9:00pm (at The Brownhoist)
Electro Cult Belly Dance in The Land Showcase & Hafla

Quick $15 Tickets for the Showcase only!

Avoid our class registration system and purchase tickets directly here.
(You will need to show the receipt email at the door for entry.)

For Workshops & Packages booking continue below.

Looking to attend multiple things?
Be sure to buy a package first.
Then register for each thing using the package credits.

Special Packages

Both Workshops

Mindfulness in Movement & Shimmy Sprinkles


Mindfulness in Movement & Shimmy Sprinkles
Plus 1 Ticket for the Showcase
BONUS! 1 Hour Go Go Goblets class.

If registering for more than 1 item, buy a package above first.
Then return here to to use the package credits to reserve your spot in each below that your package covers.

If only registering for 1 item, proceed below.

11am: Mindfulness in Movement: A Belly Dance Improvisation Workshop (2 hrs)

Discover the Art of Mindful Movement

Step into a world where dance meets mindfulness in this unique, empowering workshop. Connect deeply with your body and soul while expressing yourself in dance. Led by Athena, learn her unique improvisation methodology that integrates understanding Arabic music to enhance your dance experience. This workshop is for all levels and offers a space to take a break from distractions and reconnect with your body and soul.

1:30pm Shimmy Sprinkles: by Athena w/ Live musician (2 hrs)

Drum solos are a thrilling way to showcase a dancer’s technical skill, personality, and sense of humor. This dynamic workshop will cover accents and combinations to help you respond to music with precision and flair. Learn how to perform dramatic movements safely, and add extra flavor to your drum solos. Taught with a live musician!

Registration and other questions?
Please email or text CED at 440-941-7653

About Athena

The Pelvis that rivals Elvis.

  • Athena:
  • Teacher
  • Researcher
  • Student

Athena is a Columbus, Ohio based dancer who has been performing professionally since 2008. She has performed at hundreds, if not thousands of events, both nationally and internationally. Now, she teaches, performs, and hosts events in her home city while staying dedicated to her personal practice and learning. She fell in love with the decadent costuming and the glamor of belly dance, but over the last decade has grown to love the music and the culture. She loves being able to take a break from the stress of everyday life and wiggle- alone or with her troupe mates The Hip Art Collective. She performs with several bands in the central Ohio area and loves the unexpected surprises that come with live music.

As a teacher, she loves teaching all levels of dance and adores being able to help create movements that both challenge you as a dancer and lets you leave with some new content to add up your dance. Her goal isn’t to make you another Athena, but to help you find your inner dancer. As a student, be ready to work hard, laugh at a goofy joke, and be reminded of how great you are. She’s intensely body-positive, age-positive, and works to build an inclusive class for any student who joins.

As a researcher, Athena is always deep into some nuance of belly dance and it’s history. Her research has been published in the book “The Gilded Serpent” and she is currently researching trap influences in mahagarant (pop music from Menath countries) with a focus on Egyptian music post revolution. She also is advising on her research on LGBTQIA+ contributions to music, arts, and culture in the region, with a focus on Egypt. She is known for her ability to discuss complicated issues with a human focus.

As a student, Athena is dedicated to the work it takes to be a good visitor in this art form. She loves failure and being wrong. Her recent foray into playing middle eastern music is a testament to that since she is more wrong than right some days! Described by some to be “bold like hot sauce” or “basically the gay female Elvis” Athena is a grateful dancer who is dedicated to the work it takes to be a belly dancer.

4pm: Go Go Goblets: Goblet Balancing |Bonus topic for ALL DAY Pass attendees (1hr)

Join Athena in an overview on a jaw dropping act- belly dancing on goblets! In this class we will cover all the ins and outs of balancing on goblets, from the best places to buy goblets, important safety discussions, and goblet dancing techniques. These techniques can also be applied to dancing on a drum. You will not need to bring goblets to the class, and you do not need to get up on them.

Attendees who purchase the ALL DAY package will receive verification of this class registration shortly after they register for the other workshops and showcase ticket.

Workshop registration is not required for the Showcase/Hafla. This includes those interested in performing as well.
All showcase attendees and performers must have a ticket.

Electro Cult Belly Dance
in The LAND!
Showcase & Hafla

7:00pm - 9:00pm Electro Cult Belly Dance in The Land

Cleveland Eclectic Dance is thrilled to welcome Athena from Columbus for an exciting day of Belly Dance workshops, culminating in an evening performance alongside the ElectroCult Circus band right here in The Land.

Join us for a night of captivating dance and live music, supporting the vibrant belly dance community. This event is open to the public and aims to foster connections among dancers from across town and the state.

We invite local and regional belly dancers, as well as burlesque dancers looking to infuse a little rock ‘n’ roll into their performance, to join the festivities. Rumor has it, they even had a puppet rat perform at a recent show, so the sky’s the limit for creativity!

To perform, please purchase a ticket either by itself or as part of a package above. Then come back to fill out the Performer Application Form on this webpage. We are ticketing everyone for this event with the intention foster connection and camaraderie among the local and regional belly dance and other sex positive, inclusive, dance communities in the region. This covers not only the live band coming to town, but also the beautiful Ballroom space at The Brownhoist, which shares similar missions in bringing together and supporting artists and creatives of all kinds.

Note: This showcase will be held nearby at The Brownhoist.
The Workshops are at Cleveland Eclectic Dance. The Showcase is hosted by CED but will take place at The Brownhoist.

$15 Pre-sale (or package credit) Purchased from our website.
$20 At the Door (CASH ONLY)

A Call to Belly Dancers, Burlesque Dancers, & Other Body Positive Alt Performers


This Showcase, also considered a Hafla, is an opportunity for dancers to get to show their work (or work in progress) in front of a supportive audience of others like you at various places on their dance journey. We want to watch you shine and show off all the hard work you put into your dance! Want to perform? That’s great, because we want to have you!

This is a Belly Dance focused show, but we want to see some Burlesque and other lovelies on the stage as well. Live Band Song requests, or pre-recorded welcomed!

Fill out the form at the button, below and we will reach out once we have assessed all the music and notes to tell you your placement in the show! This is first come, first served list and there are a limited number of spots available. We do maintain a waitlist and you will be notified if you are on the waitlist as well. We will try to place as many people in the show as possible. Note: since we try to place as many performers as possible we cannot guarantee a solo spot if you are part of a group performance, but you are encouraged to submit multiple forms for both.

About Electro Cult Circus

Electro Cult Circus is an offbeat favorite at regional festivals. An ECC show is a total experience involving burlesque, comedy bellydance, soaring instrumentals and a wall of harmonies are Electro Cult Circus. We have travelled from New York to New Orleans with our merry band of pranksters. Our music has been featured on local radio CD92.9FM Spotify. Pandora and IHEARTRADIO Plus hundreds of college radio stations across the country. We have three albums available on iTunes and we are currently working on our fourth. We are just a figment of your imagination. With no end and no beginning; we have created Robotron 5000, The Skitzo Show, Erotic N Roll, Oddfest, Trulie Awesome Show, Oddfellows Oddities Talkshow, Revolution Rosie’s podcast, Rad Left Podcast, Golden Hour productions and more…you may have seen us travelling and playing our tunes. make a station of our music on Pandora now…and stay tuned, we’ve only just begun…We also have a strong, loyal following that grows by the day.

Give a listen to the music of Electro Cult Circus on ReverbNation,
and at Facebook:

Come Dance with Friends, Old and New!