Move that ass; it’s Booty Month! We’re getting into our summer groove with twerk moves and sexy workshops all while preparing for our Summer Student Showcase!

It’s Booty Month at CED!

Each month at Cleveland Eclectic Dance, we focus on a different skill, style of dance, or body part in all of regular classes.  This month at CED, it’s all about that booty.

In all of your classes this month we will include some kind of booty work. You will work on twerk moves in most of your pole and flow classes. In our fitness classes, there will be a focus on strengthening while also learning how to make your booty quake.

Additionally, our Belly Dance Drills class will be working on shimmies all month long. Since shimmies are a core belly dance move, for the month of May only, our Tuesday 7:45pm Belly Dance Drills class is open to those with no prior experience!

Upcoming Specialty Classes & Series

Lap Dance & Striptease
Mondays, May 20th 12:00-1:30pm
In Studio Only

Instructor, Dahlia, standing side profile full body view, with one leg up on a chair. Wearing a black pinstripe button up shirt, and pulling out the buttons with a seductive gaze.

Build a private routine to wow your significant other. Dance techniques, setting up the space, striptease tips, and up close and personal moves. The perfect class if you want something to take home for you and your partner.

You will learn how to strip out of the clothing you have on, so you’ll need a base layer that does not come off. We recommend a bathing suit as your base since the clothes you are taking off will slide easily over the bathing suit. As far as the outfit you will learn how to strip out of, we have a set routine with the following:

Bra (back closure)
Panties (2 pairs)
Oversize/Men’s button down long-sleeved shirt (we have some extras you can borrow)

Even though we have a set routine using those articles of clothing, feel free to wear anything you want to learn to strip out of. For instance if you have a certain outfit you want to learn to strip out of for your next date night, then you should certainly bring it!!!

THIS CLASS IS CURRENTLY WAITLISTED. Your card will automatically be charged if you move off of the waitlist.
This event is $25 per person, and Unlimited Pass holders can use one of their specialty class credits.

Pole Trick Nemesis
Tuesdays, June 6th-27th 7:15-8:15pm
In Studio Only

Got a pole move or combination of moves that you are stuck on? Come into this troubleshooting style class where you will work alongside your classmates to learn how to nail all kinds of tricks.

This class is running for 4 weeks, but it is NOT a series. This is an open class like our regular pole level classes. When you sign up you will be asked what your current pole nemesis move is.

Please no more than 1 trick per class per person, and the instructor will need to know what move or short combo you are coming to work on prior to class in order to plan.

Each week the warm up exercises will be based upon each person’s goal move. Then each move will be briefly discussed with the class, with progressions given at all levels to start working the necessary skills and muscles. Finally, Roxi will move around the room to check in with each person to troubleshoot and give suggestions for how to achieve their personal nemesis goal move.

You can bring anything you are working on. Some common nemesis moves which will likely come up are superhero, climbing techniques, jade, invert techniques, leg hangs, different entries and exits to various tricks. Then again, who knows, what we work on is dependent on you!

All levels welcome!

The class is $20 per class, and is included on all Pole Flex Passes and Unlimited Passes.

Dance Like a Stripper
Mondays, June 10th-July 10th 7:15-8:15pm
In Studio Only

Come join the Stripper Style army at CED! This is an untamed and explicit 6 week experience that will have you rolling your body, shaking your booty, and loving your body like no other class out there.

This series is intended for those who want to explore this style of movement for various reasons.

  • Confidence
  • Body Awareness
  • Sexual Agency
  • Self Ownership
  • Expression and Erotic Artistry
  • Fun
  • Curiosity about strippers and strip clubs (bring your questions!)

This is not necessarily a class for getting a job at a strip club, but we will certainly support you if that’s where you want to go with it.

By the time the 6 weeks is over you’ll be ready to take it to a stage, and we will provide that stage. The 6 class sessions will be on Tuesdays, June 12th-July 10th, 7:15-8:15pm. On Friday, July 21st, after our evening classes, will be your graduation!!!! We will turn CED into a mock strip club, complete with club lights, fog, and play money to rain all over you.

This course is intended for ANYONE 18+. All kinds of striping can be explored here. From the mainstream strip club styles, to alternative adult entertainment. All genders, and the exploration of gender expression, are welcome!

Do you need pole experience? NOPE! Not at all. Pole Dance may have come to us from the strip clubs, but pole is not required for stripper style dance. If you know pole tricks already from other classes, then you can use them in your performance. If you don’t know any pole at all, you will learn everything you need to know that would still be more than a newbie stripper auditioning in a club for the first time. So don’t worry about any lack of pole skill. All you really need for this class is to be ready to step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

Dance Like a Stripper is a complete series course meaning all 6 weeks of class are REQUIRED. You do not have to participate in the graduation club night, but we highly recommend that capstone experience. If illness or something else comes up to where you need to miss a class we will do our best to catch you up for the next week. There are no refunds for missed classes. Please be seriously committed to the full series before signing up. Contact us with any questions or potential schedule conflicts you would like to check with us about before signing up.

THIS SERIES IS CURRENTLY WAITLISTED. Your card will automatically be charged if you move off of the waitlist.
This series is $100 for all six weeks.